Premises Liability/General Negligence
Representative Cases
Plaintiff alleged that he fell from an open attic hatch when the employees of the facility removed the ladder, causing serious spinal injuries requiring fusion surgery. The plaintiff's wife demanded compensation for loss of consortium. Defendants alleged the condition was "open and obvious" and questioned the need for fusion surgery.
Plaintiff, who worked for a franchisee inside a grocery store, slipped and fell in the freezer of the store and sustained hip injuries leading to surgery. Defendant grocery store denied liability and argued comparative fault by Plaintiff, and also cross-claimed against the franchisor for indemnity and contribution. The franchisor denied liability.
Customer claimed an employee of a national retailer caused her injury when collecting and moving shopping carts, which collided with the customer
Tenant of an apartment complex brought suit against the landlord for injuries suffered, including a fractured hip, when she tripped and fell on a car stop block in the garage area of the complex, alleging poor lighting.
Plaintiff brought suit against the City for dangerous condition of public property when he sprained his ankle after stepping into a hole next to the roadway when he stepped out of the passenger side of a vehicle. Plaintiff alleged serious injuries to his ankle, which eventually resulted in severe damage to his hip/lumbar region, necessitating a back surgery.
Patron brought suit against a restaurant for injuries suffered when she slipped and fell on a floor being washed by employees
Tenant brought a negligence action against the landlord for injuries suffered when he tripped in a pothole in a dark and unlit parking area of the premises
Patron alleged exposed wiring on a game machine in an arcade caused her to trip and fall, causing injury to her ankle, knee, back, and neck
Shopper at a department store alleged a portion of the floor was slippery, causing her to slip and fall, resulting in a torn meniscus
Shopper at a grocery store alleged a wet floor near the flower section caused her to slip and fall, resulting in torn menisci in both knees, as well as back, and wrist injuries
Shopper brought a claim against a department store for premises liability when she slipped and fell on a slippery surface caused by lotion from the perfume counter, resulting in severe hip and back injuries requiring epidural injections for pain management
Shopper at a department store brought an action for premises liability when she tripped and fell on a hanger made of clear plastic left on the floor near a clothing display, causing injuries to her knees and wrists
Shopper at a store tripped and fell because of a loose sign on the floor, suffering injuries to her left arm, elbow, wrist, and hand
Tenant brought an action for facial and bodily injuries against the landlord when she tripped and fell from the stairs of the apartment complex due to dilapidated steps
Spectator at a high school football game suffered an ankle fracture when she stepped on dilapidated stands, which gave way
A volunteer parent at a school brought a claim for knee injuries suffered as a result of a slip and fall at the school
A grandparent visiting the school brought an action against the school for injuries suffered when she fell from some steps, which were allegedly not compliant with the building code
Parents of a young child brought a claim against a children’s play facility for a fractured femur suffered by the child when a larger adult participated in the play against the facility’s own policies
Tenant brought an action against the landlord for facial injuries and fractured teeth suffered when she tripped on potholes and fell because of lack of suitable lighting while walking on the driveway of the apartment building
Tenant brought an action against the landlord for injuries suffered, including a fractured femur requiring surgery, when she tripped and fell on parking/tire blocks in the garage because of a lack of lights