Commercial Disputes
Representative Cases
Appeal of a multi-layered, multi-state, complex real estate matter with an outstanding claim for attorney’s fees
Automobile dealership appealed a judgment in favor of a buyer who claimed the dealership had wrongfully repossessed his car
Claim of non-discharge ability of money lent to the debtor in bankruptcy based on misrepresentation
Partner’s claim of fraud and non-discharge ability against a partner in bankruptcy based on partner’s removal of partnership assets
Debtor real estate broker brought a motion to request that a judgment omitted from his bankruptcy schedules be deemed discharged despite his omission
Bankruptcy trustee claimed officer of the corporate debtor had wrongfully removed the estate’s assets
Parents claimed money lent to their son for his business was, in reality, transferred to the son’s business partner, who took over the business and placed it in bankruptcy
Band member sought recovery of instruments and assets in possession of the band manager
Finance company sought non-discharge ability of its loan to the debtor in bankruptcy who provided a fraudulent check as a down-payment for the purchase of a luxury vehicle
Trucking company sued multiple sellers and distributors for collection of hauling charges of personal protection equipment (masks, etc.) during the Covid-19 pandemic
Homeowners brought an action against a storage facility alleging wrongful lien sale of their entire belongings they had stored there when moving from their home to another location
Finance/leasing company brought collection action against lessee (a business) for non-payment of amounts owed for equipment leases
Homeowners brought an action against the contractor and its alleged insurer for defective workmanship resulting in substantial cost to correct
Sibling sued another sibling for recovery of money allegedly owed to him based on their partnership many years ago
Golf course alleged trespass and damage to its trees by a neighbor; the Neighbor filed a cross-complaint alleging the golf course breached the view covenant
Subrogation claim by an insurer against manufacturers of a kitchen faucet and water lines after the insurer paid for water damage to a condominium unit caused by the defective items
An out-of-network physician brought suit against an HMO for failure to pay his fees for services provided to some of the HMO’s members
Insured claimed her disability insurer breached their contract for payment of benefits
Couple brought an action against the owner of the venue of their wedding for breach of contract and misrepresentation when the venue owner informed them shortly before the wedding that it did not have the requisite permit for hosting a wedding and that the wedding could not go forward
Purchasers of a pharmacy brought an action against the sellers when they learned after the purchase that a large portion of the pharmacy’s income, based on which the purchase price had been agreed upon, was derived from fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medi-CAL
National media company brought suit against a landowner for the removal of a billboard in violation of an easement
Sibling brought suit against his sister and her corporations, claiming an ownership interest in the business of the corporations
Buyer brought suit against the seller/developer of a newly constructed residence for construction defect because of major flooding caused by a defective water line, consolidated with a subrogation claim by the Buyer’s insurer, and cross-complaints against the manufacturer and seller of the water line
Homeowner brought a construction defect claim against the contractor, the architect, and all of the sub-contractors, because of major water leaks in her residence after heavy rains